“Pursuit of the Golden Lily” is a new novel by R. Emery, inspired by her father's WWII POW diary. Initially documenting the author's journey to return the diary to Thailand where it was written, the Blog now follows her experiences as she self-publishes, launches the novel and reflects on topics woven into the narrative.

Monday, 21 November 2016

The Rise of Racism and Intolerance

When my father spoke of his time as a POW of the Japanese during WWII, he never once blamed the evils he witnessed on one race. 
He didn't say: "Japanese people are bad." He said: "War makes people do terrible things."
I did not know what racism was until I was in my twenties, when someone I was staying with in London used a racial slur to describe a neighbor. I was stunned and very disturbed. I had no concept of disliking someone based on their race or religion - though I do remember being called a "Roast Beef" as we drove through France on our way to holidays in Spain! (I'm pretty sure we yelled "Frogs" back, much to my parent's disdain!)
I was lucky and obviously very privileged. 
I'm not saying that I am perfect. I have caught myself being swept up in 'us' and 'them' situations - mostly towards my own race I might add. 
I know we have a long way to go before the human race understands and accepts that we all rise from the same seed. There are many conversations to be had and much listening to be done before we can even begin to truly understand the depth of hurt caused by bigotry.
 However, as we collectively face the greatest threat to human civilization in memory, namely climate change, I hope we will find a way to transcend the barriers that divide us and go beyond the rhetoric being bandied about by certain political figures and hate groups. 
We can be greater than that.
Researching Pursuit of the Golden Lily exposed me to the worst of human nature. Hatred is always there, simmering beneath the surface, waiting for a hint of an excuse to burst forth.
But so is love.
So is kindness, and compassion.
What do you choose?
What kind of a world do you envision?
Let us not forget that in nature, a monoculture is doomed to extinction.
Longterm, it is only in biodiversity that life flourishes and thrives.
Speak out against racism and intolerance.
Never forget...
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is when good men do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Mission Accomplished! Next....

Seventy-one years ago my father left Thailand, where he had endured three years as a prisoner of the Japanese Imperial Army during WWII. He recorded his experiences of that terrible time in a small brown exercise book that served as his journal. It was not for the faint hearted, the perils of writing. Any POW found with written material gambled with the fate of dire punishment, torture and even death.
And yet, Capt. Edward J. Emery risked his life anyway. Now, that diary resides in the Thailand-Burma Railway Center in Kanchanaburi, Thailand. The inspiration and impetus for my journey has now come home.
I know my Dad would be content. Especially given that the names of fellow POWs listed in those pages, will help some families find closure on the unknown fate of loved ones. As a doctor, Daddy cared for, and comforted, countless men in the hospital wards he was assigned to.
My father taught me many things... however, my personal takeaway from this journey is the following...
Have the courage to write and speak out against injustice.
Do not allow fear to prevent you from exposing and sharing information that powerful entities would prefer to remain hidden. 
Seek the truth, even though it is always subjective.
Do not allow demagogues, bullies and fascist dictators to silence the media by tricking you into believing they are conspiring to dupe you. Yes, there are cases where the media is used as a propaganda tool, but in modern democracies there is enough information to allow populations to be discerning and fact-check the lies.
So what is next for me? I will continue to follow the sinister trail of the Golden Lily, and write the sequel to my first novel. In this way I feel I am honoring my father's legacy of writing, despite the risks involved. 

Sunday, 23 October 2016

To Vote Or Not To Vote?

When I asked a friend yesterday whether she was going to vote in the US Election, she said something to the effect of: "I don't feel in my heart that I should vote - from a 'higher' perspective it all seems too crazy and chaotic, not something I want to be a part of."
I didn't respond right away. I needed time to reflect on what she had said. I muttered something about it being a personal choice. In hindsight I see that I did not say: "I respect your choice", because I didn't.
I am Canadian - born British. I consider that to be an immense privilege in and of itself because of the rights I inherited as a citizen of those countries, such as the right to vote. I did not have to fight for that right, but my forbearers did, so I try not to forget that, no matter how disillusioned I am with political leaders.
Democracy is not perfect, but it's the system we currently have here in North America. Until a better system evolves it is one of the only ways a citizen's voice can affect change at both the local and national level (although I am sure some would dispute that). I understand people's disappointment in the political system, I really do. However, I feel that choosing to abstain from voting is not only an insult to all those who died fighting for the right to do so (both historically and still to this day in some places parts), but it is also an egregious abdication of responsibility toward the community of which one is a part.
As it happens, my friend is an ardent environmentalist who campaigns for issues like climate change, clean water, healthy food, protecting the environment and all living beings.
She is passionate about women's rights, cares about community and the rights of minorities and indigenous peoples.
She wants a world of peace where people live alongside one another in harmony. 
Her vote could help protect or destroy the provisions that have been put in place to protect every one of those issues.
What did I learn from history, as I researched for this book?
I learned that democracy is a fragile system that can be rocked to the core when political leaders are demagogues, hell bent on imposing their own narcissistic agendas.
I learned that people can be duped into believing anything, especially if the indoctrination is embedded in fear-based propaganda.
I learned that when people have nothing, they can easily be led to believe that there is nothing to lose. But there is.
I learned that by scorning intellectuals, artists, writers, philosophers and the educated, masterful dictators can convince the uneducated to rise up against them. Ironic, since in most cases those very people are in actual fact working to better the quality of life for all.
I learned that the unthinkable can happen - in a very short period of time.
I love my friend. But I have to say that I think her choice not to vote is a selfish one, and I will tell her, when the appropriate moment arises.
Let's not forget where our rights have come from.
Let's move forward, not backwards. There is so much that we can do if we learn from the past and embrace the incredible opportunities that exist when we collaborate, not alienate.
I vote for that!
And, I voted in the last Canadian election too!

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Discipline & the Daily page...

I am eternally grateful to have a job, to have food on my table and a roof over my head. That being said, I must challenge myself to muster every ounce of discipline and strength to write a daily page for my new novel... if I want to see it materialize that is. As most of us know, there are plenty of distractions in this modern world - the constant beckoning of social media and news to mention a few. That's partly where the discipline comes in!
The smallest effort keeps the flame burning and the story alive in my heart. It does not matter how minimal the effort, the rewards are plentiful.
Many years ago, I read a wonderful book called the Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. One of the exercises contained therein, is to write five pages every day - unedited, unfettered. Simply write whatever comes into your mind. It was an inspirational experience, allowing my thoughts to unfold in a stream of consciousness. Bottom line, it got me writing SOMETHING every day!
As I begin my second novel, I remind myself that even the smallest step towards my goal is a worthy one. It may not be a page of narration; it may be some research, a contact or an idea. It doesn't matter. The point is, do something every day.
And that is what I'm going to do right now! Oh, and if you have a moment, please check out my first novel - Pursuit of the Golden Lily!
Have good one!

Friday, 7 October 2016

Diving back in... the wonder of words.

OK. First novel, Pursuit of the Golden Lily,  published... marketing steps begun, book signings here and there, back to work full time... what's missing? 
Writing the sequel! 
I didn't set out to write a series, but as the saying goes, the book writes you and now I'm hooked, intrigued by what my research uncovered; and, like my protagonist, Rose Jamieson, hungry to learn more.
Is it a spoiler to say you're writing a series? To be honest, I'm not sure at this point how many books are waiting in the wings, but there's most definitely one. 
I wrote the first page of Chapter One today, and it felt wonderful... like meeting an old friend, delighting in our shared history. Thrilling to the sensation of disappearing down the rabbit hole of my imagination, oblivious to the cacophony of sounds in the cafe around me; fingers tapping across the keyboard as if driven by some unknown force. Exhilarating!
Watching the sentences unravel before me, I was once again reminded of the wonder of words; the marvel of language and our ability to conjoin letters thereby giving voice and meaning to our thoughts and ideas.
And while I am not seeking to write a literary masterpiece, nor inject too many unfamiliar words into my work, I confess that the delight of hearing certain words in the English language, still thrills. 
Perhaps I am even more driven today to cherish words because they, like everything, are subject to the whims of change and technology. Abbreviations seem to rule. Staccato has become the norm. I'm sure there are many who still relish deepening their vocabulary, but I do wonder if our collective lexicon is being rapidly diminished. 
It will be what it will be. Personally, I shall continue to relish and gather these distinct elements of speech as I meander along life's path. I will thread them together like glittering jewels and weave them delicately into the fabric of my next story.
Reading the likes of Anne Michaels , Fugitive Pieces, and most recently Isabelle Allende's The Japanese Lover, has certainly inspired me as I seek out these treasured nuggets of literary construction, we call words.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Mapping out the plot....

When I began writing Pursuit of the Golden Lily, a veteran of the publishing world counseled me to write an Executive Summary. Knowing nothing of such things I trolled the internet for examples and set to work diligently following a set of helpful guidelines I found. Initially, it felt laborious - more in line with writing a grant proposal (a task familiar to my career path). However, the guidance I found was perfect for me.
1. Overview
2. About the Author
3. Competing Books
4. List of Chapters & Summaries
Obviously the 'Overview' was helpful - 'Competing Books' too, as it offered me a glimpse of what was available along similar lines (no pun intended). However, the clincher for me was the 'List of Chapters & Summaries. Wham! Right there, I had to map out the entire plot, which for me, was brilliant. Firstly, aside from a few crumbs of ideas, I really had no clue how my storyline was going to unfold. As I began to simultaneously research and navigate the adventure, it was truly amazing to watch how it all unfolded. As I've said before... the book writes itself. It did. Like a co-pilot, I observed and commented, jumping in here and there to tweak and polish.
Naturally, the Executive Summary is not for everyone, but if you have a complicated plot, as I did, it certainly helps iron out the creases, uncover missteps and catch omissions. 
If you enjoy a good mystery, check out Pursuit of the Golden Lily

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Undoing 'Writer's Block'

I know, the photo is ice-cream with chocolate sauce. That's because when I get writer's block, I turn to ice-cream. Yes, it's probably sexier to think of an author huddling with  bottle of Jack Daniels, or some such brew, but this gal opts for a sweeter kind of comfort. I'd have smoked a cigarette once upon a time, but I'm happy to say those days are long gone. Writer's block, on the other hand, still maintains a presence in my life and can manifest just about any day that I sit in front of my computer.
 So, what to do? 
Photo of Ethel Merman by Walter Albertin
When I was 21, I met an American author living in Edinburgh. She was everything I thought (at that time) a writer should be. She was well traveled, seemed to possess an abundance of knowledge, had a husky voice, drank, smoked and stayed up late. She gave me a piece of advice that I have carried with me to this day. She said...."Every day, I sit in front of my typewriter, for at least two hours. Sometimes, there's nothing; sometimes there's something; and sometimes the writing just flows."
Another writer buddy counsels: write something every day - even if it's just a page. Of course, everyone has their methods. However, I know that when I am disciplined enough to make time to sit and write, the results are rewarding. Hey, I'm here right now, writing. It doesn't matter what you write, just write.
Here's a couple of helpful Blogs about writing that I've come across lately:

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Traveling the world, through the lens of fiction.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of writing Pursuit of the Golden Lily
 was scouting out the places featured in the book. The greatest compliment I have received so far, from people who have visited those locations, is that my descriptions were spot on. The marvel for a writer, living in today's 'connected' world, is the luxury of being able to visit locations virtually. Thanks to Google Earth, I was able to describe the minutest of details with an authenticity that allowed me to embellish and enhance my story. My goal in doing so, of course, was to try and give the reader a visceral experience of the protagonist's journey as she meandered through Thailand and Malaysia; an experience that would immerse him or her into the texture of that country. Something that is easier to achieve, perhaps, if one has actually visited the place - but I had not.
Before I'd even set foot in the Temple of the Golden Dragon....
I knew that the entrance had red steps, white walls and an ancient legend depicted through a series of murals...
The legend of Nang Bua Klee... which fit perfectly into my story!
Information about temples and legends came mostly from tourist websites and a few Travel Blogs, but the nitty gritty details of where a boat could be moored in Bang Lang National Park... 
Where the jungle is thick, growing down to the water's edge...
Well, that's where Google came in. I was able to zoom in on the tiniest of beaches nestled in the thick forests of 1998. So, if you're writing a novel set in an exotic location that you have yet to visit, take heart and board your satellite magic carpet now!
I will say, having gone on to visit all the locations featured in my book, that for me, there is nothing like the real thing... so if you're on the fence about taking that trip - my two cents - go ahead and book your ticket. Thailand and Malaysia are awesome places to visit.
And as I begin the task of writing my next novel... you can be sure, I'm dreaming up some exotic locations!

Sunday, 4 September 2016

The trail of gold.... The Golden Lily?

As with many stories of gold and greed, the tale of the Golden Lily treasure is fraught with rumor and speculation. And, like other accounts concerning fabulous amounts of money and treasure, the word conspiracy is ubiquitously tossed about. I'm not typically drawn to conspiracy theories, but that's not to to say I discount information that might seem at first glance to be preposterous. The human condition is constantly spinning webs of intrigue.
What intrigued me about the Golden Lily is the way in which it was so brilliantly covered up. Of course! Billions of dollars were (and are) at stake. When that kind of money is involved, heads roll, no matter what century you're in. The public's love/hate relationship with banks and other financial institutions continues, mistrust lingers. The fact that so many of these bastions of power are somehow able to finagle their way out of lawsuits (except in Iceland where bad bankers go to prison), does not foster confidence.
Back to the trail of gold. Post WWII ushered in a new era of global economy and gave birth to the current system of international finance. 
"Battered and bankrupt by their long war in Europe and Asia, America's allies had no choice but to stand aside as the U.S. Government set about the 'dollarization' of the global economy." - Gold Warriors: Sterling & Peggy Seagrave 
The Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 (see links below), gave birth to the International Monetary Fund. Gold was assigned a dollar value per ounce and all other currencies were measured against the dollar. It's complex, but relevant to the Golden Lily because the unfolding of these new institutions, laws and alliances laid the groundwork for the formation of the Black Eagle Trust Fund.

Ostensibly set up to launder 'black gold' - looted WWII gold bullion, diamonds, precious stones and other booty - the BETF provided a healthy slush fund that would enable Washington and its Allies the wherewithal to bring pressure on unruly leaders at the end of the Cold War. There is SO much to wade through, which is why most people never bother, and why those that do are painted as 'conspiracy theorists'. My interest in highlighting all of this stems from my research for Pursuit of the Golden Lily. I think it's important to have conversations about these 'shadow' organizations that prop up society as we know it. If we are ever to move forward and embrace more fair and just banking and governance, then surely we must air out the closets of the past, learn from the successes and failures and insist on transparency.
As I begin research for my next novel, I shall share more of these insights. Please follow along if this is something that piques your interest.
Thanks for stopping by!
Pursuit of the Golden Lily is now available in all formats.

Golden Lily
Bretton Woods Conference
Black Eagle Trust Fund
Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave

Monday, 22 August 2016

The Last Error... or was it?

If you're a writer, then you probably know the angst of searching for every typo and grammatical error in your final manuscript. If you're self-published, you may also know the frustration of combing through your final proof with a fine-tooth comb, only to discover one more 'to' or 'of'' that mysteriously shows up where you are SURE it was not before. It's quite mind-blowing how a letter or a word can magically appear in the hard copy sent to you by Amazon!
Am I the only one suffering from this malaise of the unseen error? Surely not. 
But never fear, tenacity and fearlessness are here! I have meticulously scrutinized my proofs again and again and I think.... I have found all those errant words lurking in the shadows between letters on the page. I guess I could have hired a proof reader - right? I know. Next time, I think I will. It would probably cost me less than the fees Create Space has charged me for my errant ways. 
But today... I found an angel.
Her name was Amber. She answered my call at Create Space (self-publishing depot at Amazon) - it was the 3rd time I had called regarding the same error (not of my making as it happened). Amber came to the rescue... after apologizing profusely for their mistake, she offered... "Is there anything else I can do for you?" I gulped... there was ONE more extraneous word nestled innocuously where the eye did not expect it to be, rendering it invisible time and time again. A simple, two letter word that meant coughing up yet another $79. Aargh! But I so wanted my book to be perfect, to meet every publishing standard it possibly could.
"Actually," I ventured, "there is something.... "
Yes, sweet Amber snatched that word and threw it away. Hooray. I think we've got it!
Available now! Click the book button on the upper right!
Thanks for supporting indie writers.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Research.... does it really matter?

Before I wrote the first chapter of Pursuit of the Golden Lily, I spent months researching facets of the story. In hindsight, I see how that research was key in helping me formulate the details of the narrative. You know how it goes... one thing leads to another and before you know it you've fallen down the rabbit hole into worlds beyond worlds. For me, that was powerful and definitely one of the most enjoyable aspects of writing this book. For others, that may not be. But one of the marvels of living in this technological age, is the ability to actually visit a destination without leaving your living room!
View from Bellevue Hotel, Penang Hill, Malaysia
Of course visiting all the locations in person, after I'd finished the book, was beyond amazing! But in the interest of creating an authentic and exhilarating novel it was most helpful to be able to visit places virtually. Aside from destinations, the internet also allowed me to validate precise details, like: what was the weather on a certain date? Were cell phones available within my book's time frame? How do you tie a Kinbaku knot? OK, I'll concede, some people probably won't go rushing to their computers to check up if it was raining in Thailand on the night of November 14th, 1998 - but if they do... well, they'll find it was a clear night on the road from Kanchanaburi to Chumphon!
And then there are the researchers. Individuals whose lifelong work uncovers for us a story that is rarely found in mainstream media. Stories that lurk in the shadows, often veiled in 'conspiracy' theory land - (most likely relegated there by the very people that have been exposed by said researchers!) They're people like Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, whose book Gold Warriors set me on the trail of the Golden Lily. Fearless people are these, who, undeterred by threats from government agencies and organized crime, continue relentlessly in search of truth. That's why, we should care about journalists who risk their lives seeking their stories; bloggers who write, despite the horrific deeds committed against their peers; researchers and writers who dig and dig, not for the money or the glory, but because they care about finding the truth, about exposing bullies, racketeers and high handed government officials who believe they are beyond the grasp of justice. We should be grateful to these people; they are the heroes amongst us. 
Click Here to learn more about the Seagraves work.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Shamans & Tigers

Malaysian Tiger Photo by Tu7uh
As I immersed myself in writing Pursuit of the Golden Lily, the practice of shamanism wove its way into my storyline. Awareness of indigenous healers, or medicine men and women, was not new to me; I had read some books, attended a few workshops and firmly believe in alternate realities. However, what I learned about the shamanic traditions of the Orang Asli aboriginal groups of Peninsular Malaysia, was extraordinary. My newfound knowledge arrived courtesy of Diana Riboli, President of ISARS (International Society for Academic Research on Shamanism), and Assistant Professor in Social Anthropology at Panteio University's Department of Social Anthropology in Athens. 
Diana is one of the few 'outsiders' to witness the inner workings of tribal medicine practiced by the Jahai, a semi nomadic indigenous tribe who are members of the Orang Asli. The Jahai have roamed the mountainous borderlands between Thailand and Malaysia for centuries. Diana spent several spells of time with the tribe, studying the remarkable traditions and customs of these gentle people. Unfortunately their invaluable knowledge (passed down through generations), of rainforest plants and animals, not to mention spiritual practices, risks being lost forever as the tribes are increasingly 'encouraged' to assimilate into Malaysian society.
Temuan People (Orang Asli)
One shamanistic ritual I found particularly riveting is the ability of the jampi (shaman in Jahai), to take on the shadow soul of any animal or plant. This practice enables them to travel anywhere, inhabit anything, all the while retaining the 'essence' of their hosts's physical nature. When a rogue tiger threatens a tribal village, a jampi will embody the shadow soul of a tiger to ward off the live predator.  
While the shadow soul is at large, the body of its host remains in physical homeostasis, as if asleep. However, the fate of the shadow soul is intricately bound to that of its host. It experiences the same physical and emotional sensations – whatever befalls the shadow soul befalls the host body. If the shadow soul is killed, the physical entity dies too. 
Extraordinary does not even begin to describe what these medicine men and women are capable of. Indigenous people worldwide have suffered, and continue to suffer, in the name of progress and religion. Instead of reaching out respectfully to learn from aboriginal elders willing to share their traditional ways, much of humanity has dismissed this precious knowledge as witchcraft or paganism.  

Like indigenous people everywhere, the Jahai understand that all of life is connected. That, as Albert Einstein so eloquently said: 
"A human being is part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness... Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
Einstein was a theoretical physicist, revered for his brilliance. The Jahai are a nomadic tribe living in the jungles of Peninsular Malaysia. Their conclusions about life, in all its forms and manifestations are not so different from those of Einstein. As we prepare to face the formidable challenges brought about by our rapidly changing climate, it might behoove us to listen closely to these wisdom voices calling to us across millennia, and learn from them as quickly as we can.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Combining your passion into the story....

                                           Rafflesia: Photo by ma_suska
Rafflesia has the largest known individual flower in the world. This fascinating southeast Asian plant also has the distinction of being one of the stinkiest plants around; its foul-smelling odor attracts carrion insects.

When visiting the rainforest at the Royal Belum State Park in Malaysia last December, the rafflesia we found was not in flower. Our  guide told us that animals eat the fleshy plant despite it's fetid odor, but if a human touches the rafflesia, it dies! Nature never ceases to amaze me, which is why I wanted to be able to include interesting ecological morsels into the storyline of my novel, Pursuit of the Golden Lily. Exploring and experiencing the wonders of the natural world has been a lifelong passion for me. So, as the story seeds planted in the fertile ground of my imagination begin to germinate, I'll be sure to seek out opportunities to continue including aspects of nature in my plot lines.

The photo of this enormous leaf was taken in the rainforest at Royal Belum. The biodiversity that exists in rainforests such as these is extraordinary. Unfortunately the planting of monocultures such the palm oil tree is threatening biodiversity throughout Malaysia and Indonesia. Huge tracts of virgin forest are logged to make way for palm oil plantations and while the boost to the economy in Malaysia is undeniable, it is not sustainable. If you haven't heard about palm oil, just look at the ingredients of your grocery items next time you go shopping. You'll find that palm oil has become a ubiquitous ingredient. Palm oil can be planted and harvested sustainably. Adhering to persistent demands from ecologically minded consumers, Target and Costco have both committed to establishing stronger guidelines for palm oil sourcing. It's a start. There's still a long way to go but never forget that as consumers, we drive the markets. It's never too late to get involved!
Thanks for stopping by. My novel is currently available as an eBook and will soon be for sale on Amazon and Kindle.
Learn more about Certified Sustainable Palm Oil
Is Malaysia's Palm Oil worth the cost?
Learn more about the fascinating Rafflesia

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Biodiversity & Hornbills

Rhinoceros hornbill
In writing Pursuit of the Golden Lily, I wanted to weave a variety of ecological and environmental topics into the narrative. Part of the story takes place in southern Thailand, in what is now the Bang Lang National Park. This vast area of mountainous rainforest straddles the border with Malaysia. On the Malaysian side is the Royal Belum State Park, located in Northern Perak. My research for the book led me to hornbills - prehistoric-looking birds that roam the forests. Both parks are home to several different species of hornbills. Sadly, many species of Thai hornbills are at present near extinction.
A Hornbill Research Team led by Dr. Pilai Poonswad, holding a captured rufous-necked hornbill.
Aside from their obvious unique beauty, hornbills provide a vital service to the forests they inhabit. As far-ranging fruit eaters, they help maintain forest regeneration and biodiversity by dispersing seeds as they 'eat on the fly'. Healthy forests depend on birds like hornbills to maintain diversity of species. Hornbills are poached for a couple of reasons. The first is the pet trade - the chicks are captured then sold. The second is that the appendage on the upper bill, called a casque is a valuable commodity in some societies. Made of a substance called keratin, the casque is sometimes referred to as hornbill ivory and is sought after to be carved into precious objects.
Rhinoceros hornbill: Photo by Tom Murphy VII
Helmeted hornbill: Photo by Doug Janson
We didn't visit Bang Lang National Park on our journey, but we did get to see hornbills when we were at Khao Sok Lake; unfortunately they were too far up in the treetops for me to capture a good photo. We did, however, visit the Royal Belum State Park, which is absolutely beautiful. I'll write more about that in the next post, continuing on the theme of biodiversity and Pursuit of the Golden Lily.
Maintaining biodiversity in all regions of earth is crucial to our own survival. Every tiny insect, yes, even the ubiquitous mosquito that we disdain, has a purpose.
Pursuit of the Golden Lily is available as an eBook and will be on Amazon and Kindle by the time my next post comes around! If this Blog is of interest to you, please do sign up for email notifications. Thanks for stopping by. 
You can learn more about hornbills at the following websites.