“Pursuit of the Golden Lily” is a new novel by R. Emery, inspired by her father's WWII POW diary. Initially documenting the author's journey to return the diary to Thailand where it was written, the Blog now follows her experiences as she self-publishes, launches the novel and reflects on topics woven into the narrative.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Undoing 'Writer's Block'

I know, the photo is ice-cream with chocolate sauce. That's because when I get writer's block, I turn to ice-cream. Yes, it's probably sexier to think of an author huddling with  bottle of Jack Daniels, or some such brew, but this gal opts for a sweeter kind of comfort. I'd have smoked a cigarette once upon a time, but I'm happy to say those days are long gone. Writer's block, on the other hand, still maintains a presence in my life and can manifest just about any day that I sit in front of my computer.
 So, what to do? 
Photo of Ethel Merman by Walter Albertin
When I was 21, I met an American author living in Edinburgh. She was everything I thought (at that time) a writer should be. She was well traveled, seemed to possess an abundance of knowledge, had a husky voice, drank, smoked and stayed up late. She gave me a piece of advice that I have carried with me to this day. She said...."Every day, I sit in front of my typewriter, for at least two hours. Sometimes, there's nothing; sometimes there's something; and sometimes the writing just flows."
Another writer buddy counsels: write something every day - even if it's just a page. Of course, everyone has their methods. However, I know that when I am disciplined enough to make time to sit and write, the results are rewarding. Hey, I'm here right now, writing. It doesn't matter what you write, just write.
Here's a couple of helpful Blogs about writing that I've come across lately:

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