I am eternally grateful to have a job, to have food on my table and a roof over my head. That being said, I must challenge myself to muster every ounce of discipline and strength to write a daily page for my new novel... if I want to see it materialize that is. As most of us know, there are plenty of distractions in this modern world - the constant beckoning of social media and news to mention a few. That's partly where the discipline comes in!
The smallest effort keeps the flame burning and the story alive in my heart. It does not matter how minimal the effort, the rewards are plentiful.
Many years ago, I read a wonderful book called the Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron. One of the exercises contained therein, is to write five pages every day - unedited, unfettered. Simply write whatever comes into your mind. It was an inspirational experience, allowing my thoughts to unfold in a stream of consciousness. Bottom line, it got me writing SOMETHING every day!
As I begin my second novel, I remind myself that even the smallest step towards my goal is a worthy one. It may not be a page of narration; it may be some research, a contact or an idea. It doesn't matter. The point is, do something every day.
And that is what I'm going to do right now! Oh, and if you have a moment, please check out my first novel - Pursuit of the Golden Lily!
Have good one!
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