“Pursuit of the Golden Lily” is a new novel by R. Emery, inspired by her father's WWII POW diary. Initially documenting the author's journey to return the diary to Thailand where it was written, the Blog now follows her experiences as she self-publishes, launches the novel and reflects on topics woven into the narrative.

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Bloggers and Book Clubs... the new frontiers of book marketing.

So, my new novel is published. The long-anticipated moment has arrived. Now what? OK., in the interest of transparency, let me clarify. My book is self-published. What this means, in this wonderful era of publishing democratization, is that if I want anyone to read my lovingly penned tome, I will have to spend a considerable amount of time marketing it!
I knew this, of course. What I didn't know until I began this latest journey, was the importance and prevalence of both book clubs and book bloggers. The good news is that with some perseverance, I am gradually sifting through the latter and finding a wonderful array of literary enthusiasts ready to read your book and post their opinion if you politely ask them to. I also have some book club contacts, thanks to supportive friends who've already read and enjoyed my book.
Of course, the question begs... who exactly is this person who is going to hold sway over your literary manifesto? Ah, well that is where the research comes in... you know, the hours and hours of combing through the 'About' section of someone's Blog, checking out what books they liked, or not; reading the reviews. As the saying goes, 'No pain, no gain'. And then, there are the night terrors... what will they write about mine? What if they hate it? What if... blah, blah. Sigh. I know, there are much worse things to keep one awake at night but ego occasionally vies for attention. I'm actually REALLY grateful to all these diligent and enthusiastic readers who offer their services, because quite frankly in this new frontier of book marketing, they are often the ones who can make or break your work. So,
thank you Bloggers for your dedication to reading. I've already begun compiling my list and as soon as Pursuit of the Golden Lily is up on Amazon and Kindle, I shall take a deep breath and hit send on my first email of inquiry!
And thank you Book Clubs - if you know of one you think might enjoy the book, please let me know.
In the meantime, you can download the first couple of chapters for free HERE
or HERE - it is also available on iBooks.

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