“Pursuit of the Golden Lily” is a new novel by R. Emery, inspired by her father's WWII POW diary. Initially documenting the author's journey to return the diary to Thailand where it was written, the Blog now follows her experiences as she self-publishes, launches the novel and reflects on topics woven into the narrative.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016



Here I go... diving into the seemingly endless maze of the Self-Publishing world! An entire industry has been built around it. Mucho $$$$$... organizations promising you the NY Times Best Seller category if you go engage their services (well, not quite). It is a tad daunting. However, as a musician who's lived through the demise of the CD, I welcome the ability to self-determine my own content and marketing.
                                         Book publishing has been democratized.
Yes there are millions of new books being published every year, many of them self-published. Yes, the publishing industry is in the in the midst of serious transformation... But people are still reading.

               So here's the good news - ever an optimist, I like to share some cheer!
  • Books are NOT going to disappear - humans enjoy sharing stories and information. 
  • Book publishing is like buying a lottery ticket - if you don't publish you'll never know if you wrote a best seller.
  • If you're creative, resourceful and like to think outside the box - then the world is your oyster. 
  • You don't have to lug boxes of books around. Phew!
At the end of the day, writing is about the process... and that is what I love. Stay tuned... right now my book is being formatted for Smashwords! I'm on the roller coaster! Yipee!