“Pursuit of the Golden Lily” is a new novel by R. Emery, inspired by her father's WWII POW diary. Initially documenting the author's journey to return the diary to Thailand where it was written, the Blog now follows her experiences as she self-publishes, launches the novel and reflects on topics woven into the narrative.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Forgotten Heroes of WWII - Pacific Theater: Force 136

Major Hugh Paul Seagrim GC DSO MBE (1909-1944) 
 Nicknamed - 'Grandfather Longlegs'
One aspect of research that I relish more than anything, is discovering incredible people on whom I can base a character. As I was seeking a covert British team (to include in my plot), that would have been operating in the jungles of Burma during WWII, I came across Force 136, and subsequently the amazing story of Major Seagrim. Force 136 was a covert group of British commandos fashioned after Winston Churchill's Special Operations Executive (S.O.E.) that operated behind enemy lines in Europe. The preliminary S.O.E. team in Burma was called the 'Oriental Mission'.
The British Royal Air Force meticulously trained thousands of men from the Karen Hill Tribe, to bolster the ranks of British agents. The clandestine war Force 136 waged on the Japanese invaders, was strategically significant. You can read a more in-depth Article here.
Major Hugh Seagrim was one of Force 136's heroes. He loved the Karen people, and when the Japanese began waging a campaign of destruction against Karen villages, Major Seagrim heroically surrendered himself to the Japanese Imperial Army for execution, in exchange for the lives of the village inhabitants. The last two Survivors of Force 136 were found in 2009 within a mile of where their commander, Major Hugh Seagrim surrendered.
There are surely many unsung heroes of all wars, and in all walks of life. I am humbled when I learn of one. It reminds me of the great potential that resides within humanity. This is what gives me hope in the face of continuing horrors playing out on the global stage.
I am almost ready to publish Pursuit of the Golden Lily, please stay tuned - sign up for BLOG updates so you will be the first to know when the book is available! 

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Human Trafficking

When I began writing Pursuit of the Golden Lily, I did not fully appreciate the quote: "The story writes you as much as you write it." - Billy Marshall Stoneking.
Now I do. 
A component of my life path has been to seek out, whenever possible, opportunities to raise awareness of social issues. So when the plot line of my story invited me to examine the nefarious world of sex trafficking, I accepted. The official number of known victims of sex trafficking is staggering - about 4.5 million globally (International Labor Organization). Sadly, one must assume that the actual number is much higher since most victims never escape their captors. 
While in Bangkok, we met with Sudarat Seerwat, Director of the FACE Foundation which confronts the issue of sex trafficking in Thailand. 
Sudarat and her team of volunteers advocate tirelessly to change laws; they do what they can to rescue girls and young women from pimps and brothels; they try to educate the police and the public about the issue. We were amazed by her energy and optimism in the face of such challenges. She has devoted her life to this. You can listen to Sudarat speaking on this a short Video.
Sex trafficking is a global issue. In North America the problem is on the rise. Gangs prey on vulnerable girls and boys, luring them in with promises of companionship, easy money and an exciting life. Don't think it doesn't happen on your street. It can happen to ANYONE. In the USA the National Helpline is:  
1 (888) 373 7888. If you encounter, or see a young person who might be in a precarious situation, call. One phone call could save a life.
                      Thanks to Sudarat, and people like her, who are doing all they can.